(Lorelaï de Sweetlandbengal x Largo du Royaume de St. Bel)
– Born April 23, 2016 –
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(Lorelaï de Sweetlandbengal x Largo du Royaume de St. Bel)
– Born April 23, 2016 –
PrettyDiamond Nova, aka Nova is one of our Snow Seal Mink Rosetted girls from Germany, who carries for Non-Agouti. Together with her sister PrettyDiamond Nysa, she is one of our first Snow Mink Bengals. She is fully covered with rosettes, has a gorgeously dark-coloured coat with an amazing contrast and nicely closed rosettes. Besides that, she has a gorgeous head with the most beautiful green eyes. She has a very lovely character and a very sweet nature.
Thank you Sarah for this amazing and sweet girl!
— PKDef N/N (normal)
— PRA N/N (normal)