(Lorelaï de Sweetlandbengal x Largo du Royaume de St. Bel)

– Born April 23, 2016 –

PrettyDiamond Nysa, aka Nysa is our other Snow Seal Mink Rosetted girl from Germany. Together with her sister PrettyDiamond Nova, she is one of our first Snow Mink Bengals. She as well is fully covered with rosettes, has an amazing contrast and has no rib bars. Besides that, she has a nice head, beautiful blue eyes and a lovely rosetted tail.
She loves to be petted and enjoys to be in the spotlight.


Thank you Sarah for this amazing and sweet girl!

— PKDef N/N (normal) 

— PRA N/N (normal) 

— HCM and PKD negative: tests performed July 2019